UX/UI Designer

We are seeking a UX/UI Designer to become part of our team and contribute to shaping the user experience of our unique solutions. You will take an active part in understanding the user journey and our brand, and apply a problem-solving approach to projects. Strong research, design, and the ability to implement user experiences are crucial for success in this role.


Contract - Hybrid

Main Requirements

Required Skills

🎓 Bachelor’s degree in design or a related field. 

🔝 1-2 years of experience in UX/UI design for web and mobile applications

📊 Portfolio demonstrating expertise in user-centered design principles, visual design, and interaction design

🔄 Proficiency in Sketch, Figma, InVision, and Adobe Creative Suite.

✍️ Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively in a team environment

Application Form

Reach out at careers@blutiks.com

Application Form

Reach out at careers@blutiks.com

Upload Resume (PDF)